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Community Plan

The Community Plan sets out the issues that local people value about their neighbourhoods and their aspirations for the future.

It is essential that the plan properly reflect the values, opinions, needs and aspirations of the community, and that they should be community-led, facilitated by the Parish Council.

With encouragement from the various tiers of local government and in the spirit of “localism”, all parish councils have been asked to produce a statement of the issues of most importance to their area and how these may be addressed.

Larger parishes with greater income will be able to use their resources to provide improvements directly. Smaller parishes, such as Staveley-in-Cartmel, have insufficient funds for much service provision; in this case the Council will use its status to influence the service-providing authorities in their resource allocation.

An earlier version of this Plan was prepared in 2008 and here (opens in new tab) is an update of that Statement.

Outline map of Staveley-in-Cartmel