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News from Staveley-in-Cartmel Parish Council

The last ‘face to face’ meeting held in 2020 by the Parish Council was back in February. Since then, meetings through the rest of the year have been held online via Zoom or, to start with, by email. While technology is a wonderful thing it can never replace live meetings, so inevitably the business of the PC has been curtailed to an extent.

Most of the PC business this year has been to review planning applications and liaise with other organisations such as the Police, Lake District National Park Authority, and the National Trust.

During the year, the issue of road safety along the A590 has also been on the agenda. There have been several contacts with Highways England to encourage action to try to reduce the risk of accidents associated with vehicles entering and leaving the Newby Bridge Filling Station. The PC are still awaiting improvements in the ‘one way’ entrance and exit signs.

The PC is responsible for the two bus shelters at Newby Bridge and these have recently been painted and tidied up ready for the New Year. The PC has also funded the Parish Lengthsman, who has also been busy throughout the year clearing verges and cutting back grass and weeds, especially around the triangle area of Staveley-in-Cartmel and around the PC funded bench at Barber Green. If any parishioners are aware of any similar needs in the Parish then please do contact the Clerk.

Through the year PC has proactively contacted Cumbria County Council’s Highways Department on several occasions to alert them to blocked drains and culverts causing flooding problems.

The dates for all the PC meetings planned in the New Year are now advertised on the noticeboards at Ayside, Barber Green, Staveley-in-Cartmel and Newby Bridge. The first meeting of 2021 will be held on 15th February, but it is likely to be via Zoom rather than in Staveley-in-Cartmel Parish Hall.