Highways England are making permanent changes to vehicle movements at Newby Bridge
From 8 February 2021, vehicles will no longer be able to turn right from Lakeside (opposite The Swan Hotel) onto the A590. The reason for the change is to improve safety at this junction. Motorists will be advised to turn left, travel approximately 300m towards Newby Bridge roundabout, turn around before continuing on your journey.
As part of these new proposals, work to improve the junction is planned. This will entail widening the carriageway, installing a new traffic island and signs, and replacing the road markings.
Work is due to start on or shortly after 8 February 2021 for approximately three weeks. This will take place between 8pm and 6am on weekdays only.
For safety purposes, temporary three-way traffic signals will be in place during the above dates and times. Access for motorists will be maintained at all times.
For more information on this and other work on the A590 please visit: Highways England – A590 maintenance schemes (opens in new tab).